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Viajes Rutas tips informacion acerca de lugares para visitar y conocer. Creadictos Informacion de interes e imagines que hacen reflexionar sobre la realidad se encuentra un poco de todo.
Trajes de Baño Este blog tiene una variedad de distintos tipos de trajes de baño y tips de cual usar de acuerdo a nuestra figura. Arte Alternativo Este blog trata acerca arte y persepciones diferentes ye imagenes para reflexionar. Marking y Publicidad Cosas atractivas hablando de publicidad imagines muy interisantes y con informacion de ellas.
Choreography by: Dejan Tubic Asst. Choreography: Zack Venegas & Josh Killacky (Couldnt have done it without you guys! youre everything)
Song: Can't Control Myself by Krewella
Taught at: IDA in Hollywood, CA.
Dancers: Group 1: Zack Venegas, Dejan Tubic, and Josh Killacky
Group 2: China Taylor Magic happens when you let the dance have full creative freedom. China, you are magical. You went IN. THANK YOU
Thank you guys for the continued support. Want to learn the dances? Subscribe to for new tutorials this month.
Thanks to Chris David, Alec Clawson & Artoffical Entertainment for filming this one, and editing it. you guys are killer! To contact Artoffical Entertainment:
Click the subscribe button for more dances! :) Tweet me @DejanTubic
WATCH IN HD; Watch in 3D! YAY first video in 3D! :) *** NO COPYRIGHT INFRINGMENT INTENDED *** So
the story goes, I recently got a new camara and wanted to shoot
somethign just for the fun of it so i can can be a nerd and learn this
new camara. I asked three of my friends to come and dance. They learned
this whole thing within a half an hour to an hour and then shot it.
Ironically, Lana had 4 shirts in her car from New Years that said Dance
till the world ends and it was perfect just to wear it during this
shoot. everything just sorta "happened" and had a lot of fun shooting
this . Not meant to be serious but more videos definently to come :) Thanks to everyon involved! It was a fun project. More to come soon! Choreography by: Dejan Tubic & Janelle Ginestra Song: Till The World Ends by Britney Spears featuring Ke$ha and N